GlastoRackets Friday 21 June

Can't face the mud at Glastonbury this year?

Don't despair, you can let rip at

Duffield S & T Club's first Weekend Summer Festival!

Friday night is family night with a

Pizza Supper 6.30 pm (after junior coaching)

 Van Sloths acoustic duo 7.00 pm

(Music from the 80s to the present day)

Book your place for GlastoFriday Pizza Supper on the form below (£25 per family)(£10 individuals)

We will add your name to the guest list once you have paid the fee into the Social Committee bank account (no tickets issued). The bank details will appear on your confirmation page.

Closing date: Thurs  20 May

Any difficulties, please email: [email protected]

Glasto-Rackets Friday 21 June
  • Families (£25 per family):
  • Extra kids (£3 each):
  • Individual adults £10:
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